
        Nutritive value, health preservation effect and function of sea cucumber

        Column:FOOD CULTURE Time:2015-01-08

            The function of sea cucumber

            Sea cucumber is the only food that does not contain cholesterol. It is known that the main ingredients in the sea cucumber peptide nutrition capsule include peptide and acid mucopolysaccharide. They are  composition of some bioactive substances and some essential trace elements of human body, such as selenium, iodine, manganese, zinc, iron and so on.

            The polysaccharide content in sea cucumber peptide is about 15%, mainly mucopolysaccharide and sea cucumber glycosaminoglycan. In addition, the sulfate oligosaccharide contained in sea cucumber is unique, the quality is better than deer antler and superior shark fin polycation component. The main functions of sea cucumber polysaccharides are as follows:

            1. Prolong aging, eliminate fatigue, improve immunity, and enhance the ability to resist diseases.

            Sea cucumber is rich in more than 50 kinds of natural and precious active substances such as protein, minerals and vitamins. Among which acid mucopolysaccharide and chondroitin can significantly reduce the amount of lipofuscin and skin proline in the heart tissue, and delay senescence. The 18 kinds of amino acids contained in sea cucumber can enhance the metabolic function of tissues and enhance the cell vitality of the body.

            2. Invigorate blood and regulate menstruation

            Sea cucumbers are rich in arginine. Arginine is an important component of male sperm cells. It improves the nerve function of brain and sex gland, and alleviates sex gland consenescence apparently, and raise the ability of male erection.

            A sea cucumber per day, enough to consolidate basis, and is good for  kidney and sperm. Sea cucumbers from Shandong province are rich in iron and collagen. It has significant effect of blood production, blood nourishing and blood replenishing. It is especially suitable for pregnant women, postoperative patients and postmenopausal women.

            3. Regulate blood glucose level

            Diabetic patients should often eat sea cucumber. Mucopolysaccharide in sea cucumber could lower the activeness of blood glucose, and decrease the probability of diabetics. It contains potassium, which is important for insulin. It contains vanadium, which prevent diabetics.


            4.prevent fatigue

            Mucopolysaccharide and Arginine in sea cucumber can prevent fatigue. Niacin, taurine, potassium and nickel in sea cucumber can reduce fatigue and regulate the neuro-system.


            5. Regulate blood glucose level

            Diabetic patients should often eat sea cucumber. Mucopolysaccharide in sea cucumber could lower the activeness of blood glucose, and decrease the probability of diabetics. It contains potassium, which is important for insulin. It contains vanadium, which prevent diabetics.


            6.enhance growth and development

            Sea cucumber could enhance growth and body development. Arginine, lysine, taurine, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron and zinc in sea cucumber are important material for human growth. They involve in growth, immunity system, healing of wounds, development of reproduction system, etc. It is important in storage of energy and operation of human body.


            Nutrition value of sea cucumber

            1.Good for brain and longevity

            There are 18 kinds of amino acids, taurine, collagen, chondroitin sulfate, Saponin, polypeptide, various vitamins and trace elements in sea cucumber. 2. Making blood and enhance absorption of calcium- Keratin could assist bone marrow to make blood. It is good for people with anemia. It also enhance absorption of calcium.

            2. prevent heart disease

            Fucoidan- decrease blood lipid, prevent blood clotting. If patient with high blood pressure, high blood lipid, coronary heart disease and hepatitis, and old people could take in sea cucumber for long term, it is good for healing the disease.

            3.increase immunity

            Anti-oxidant could prevent influenza,  aging and tumor. Saponin in sea cucumber increase immunity of cells, prevent growth of tumor. Eating it in long term would prevent influenza. It is used in the diet of patient with tumor.

            4. prevent cancer

            There is high level of saponin in sea cucumber body wall, internal organs and glands. It is an antidote, and it prevent growth of certain cancer cell. It also prevent mold. Selenium in sea cucumber prevent growth of cancer cell and blood vein. The efficacy of sea cucumber on cancer has been proved by scientific method.

            5. good for post-operative patients

            There is an experiment. There are 2 post-operative patients with similar condition, age and weight. The one who eat one sea cucumber per day would recover 20 days sooner than the other one. post-operative patients, puerpera, patients with bone fracture, people giving blood or losing blood, could take in sea cucumber. It would shorten the time for recovery.